NOAA Scientist Jon Hare to Lead Talk, Fisheries in a Changing Climate

NOAA Scientist Jon Hare to Lead Talk, Fisheries in a Changing Climate


June 8, 2018 – [STONINGTON, ME] – Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries is pleased to bring Dr. Jon Hare, Science and Research Director of NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center to Opera House Arts in Stonington, for a talk titled: Fisheries in a Changing Climate.

Hare oversees science related to NOAA Fisheries, including wild-captured fisheries, cultured fisheries, protected species, habitat, and ecosystem science. The talk will cover some likely changes we might see in Maine’s fisheries, as Gulf of Maine temperatures and currents change over time. His research has focused on oceanography. Specifically, understanding the interactions between the ocean environment and fisheries populations with the aim of contributing to assessments and management.

The talk will come to Opera House Arts (1 Opera House Ln, Stonington, ME) on Tuesday, June 19 at 5:30 p.m. A panel discussion with local fishermen and scientists will follow. Panelists include Carla Guenther, Senior Scientist at Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries, and Carl Wilson, Director, Bureau of Marine Science at the Maine Department of Marine Resources. The event is free and open to the public.

“We’re already seeing that species are reacting to warming water,” according to Carla Guenther. “The implications in the long term for fishing-dependent communities are full of challenges, but also opportunities.” The evening will highlight the importance of thinking about the future and how to best manage a diversified and sustainable fishing industry in Maine.



For more information, contact:

Caroline Goddard
Communications Director